2. Officiate 70% defense and 30% offense.
3. On multiple defender plays in the lane, officiate the defender that can contest the play. This is usually the player that is closest to you.
4. Don’t penalize verticality.
5. Call what you can see.
6. See what you can call.
7. When rotating, find the point guard’s eyes.
8. Don’t rotate blind, look over your shoulder.
9. If the center has to many match-ups, rotate.
10. Do not rotate on immediate drives, shots and entry passes.
11. When rotating take a peak at your clock(s).
12. On drives to the basket, pick up the secondary defender as quick as possible.
13. Work on handing off plays with the Trail on Coverage Scenarios.Use your eyes.
14. Sprint from T-L to receive the play.
15. Officiate Strong side rebounds.