1. A screen is legal action by a player who, while touching the playing court, without causing contact , delays or prevents an opponent from reaching a desired position. T-F
2. A3 sets an illegal screen on B3 while A1 is dribbling the ball in their back court. A3 should be penalized with a team control foul. T-F
3. To establish a legal screening position, the screener may face in any direction. T-F
4. To establish a legal screening position, time and distance is relevant. T-F
5. The screener shall be stationary, except when both the screener and opponent are moving in the same path and same direction. T-F
1. True- 4-40-1.
2. True- 4-19-7.
3. True- 4-40-2-a.
4. True-4-40-2-b.
5. True- 4-40-2-c.
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