2. Make sure each team has “5” players on the floor.
3. Make sure each team is lined up correctly.
4. All three officials are responsible for the AP Arrow.
5. U-1 - observe toss.
6. U-2- Be responsible for the “8” non-jumpers.
7. U-1 and U-2 be ready for quick out of bounds plays and back court violations.
8. Remember the jumper cannot touch the ball more then twice, the jumper cannot catch the jump ball, the jumper cannot touch the ball on its way up, the jumper cannot leave the jumping circle until the ball is tapped.
9. If you are retreating to lead be aware of the following:
a. “3” point shot.
b. Block/Charge Plays across the lane.
c. Above the Ring Play.
10. When going from U-1 to Lead or U-2 to Lead, officiate the last defender or the defender that can hurt you the most.
11. When going from U-1 to Center or U-2 to Center,officiate from the “top of your eyes”, think “Big Picture and officiate moving players.
12. Know your clocks.
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