‘’The trail official will cover “3’ point shooters from their side of the floor to the free throw line extended on the other side of the floor. Once the ball goes below the free throw line extended, the Lead Official will pick it it up.
The “3” point signal should be at 10 or 2 o’clock, try to give your indicator where the scorer can pick it up.
Go over “3” point coverage in pre-game, if you have to correct a 3 point shot to a 2 point shot or visa versa, the official who is correcting, blow your whistle and state “2” points , or give touchdown signal. The off official after the correction is completed, get the ball back into play.
Dynamics are very important in officiating. Team Officiating is a key to have a successful game.
On fast breaks, the Lead Official must be ready to cover all “3” point areas and be ready to sequence “3” point shot scenarios.