1. Undershirts must be a single solid color similar to the torso of the jersey. T-F
2. During a throw-in, A2 touches the ball and allows the ball to be on the floor in the back court with no players attempting to pick it up. The trail official starts the “10” second count. T-F
3. The “10” second back court count starts when a player legally gains control of the ball. T-F
4. While A1’s free throw for a one-and-one is in flight, A2 and B2 commit a double personal foul. A1’s try is unsuccessful. The Center official resumes play with the Alternating Possession Procedure. T-F
5. While A1’s free throw for a one-and one is in flight. A2 and B2 commit a double personal foul. A1’s try is successful. The Center official resumes play with A1 attempting their second free throw. T-F
1. True- 3-5-6
2. False-4-12-2, 9-8.
3. True-9-8
4. True- 4-36-2-c.
5. True-4-36-2-b.