2. A team has 30 seconds to replace a disqualified player. T-F
3. When a player is disqualified, the head coach is notified, then request the timer to begin the replacement interval, then notify the player of disqualification. T-F
4. When a foul occurs, an official shall signal the timer to stop the clock with a clenched fist. T-F
5. When a foul occurs, the official shall verbally inform the offender, then with finger(s) of two hands, indicate the scorer the number of the offender and the number of free throws. T-F
1. True-4-14-1.
2. False-2-12-5.
3. True- 2-8-4.
4. True- Signal #4, 2-9-1.
5. True- 2-9-1.
Teaching Points:
1. Master Penalties.
2. Go over disqualification mechanics.
3. Be ready for the unexpected.
4. Demonstrate poise.
5. Practice your signals.