2. Weak side rebounding.
3. Assist on perimeter rebounding.
4. Above the Ring Play.
5. Assist with 10 second violations in the back court.
6. Assist with “3” second violations when the ball is below the free throw line extended.
7. Curl Plays.
8. Crossing Plays.
9. Press Coverage- Side line to Side line.
10. Assist on “3” point attempts.
11. Know the status of the game clock and the shot clock.
12. Officiate the shooter and the side opposite on all free throw attempts that will remain in play.
13. Be responsible for the “10” second count on free throws.
14. Officiate closely guarded counts in your primary coverage area.
15. Assist with back court violations.
16. Assist with out of bounds plays on the end line when the lead asks for “help”.
17. Officiate primary defender plays on the “C”’s side of the basket.
18. Officiate own side line in the front court.
19. Be ready to assist the lead with a cadence whistle on block/charge scenarios with a secondary defender.
20. Assist with plays to the basket when the defender moves the offender A-B,