2. Look at your assignments weekly and start to prepare for travel.
3. Arrive at game site , 45 minutes before the game.
4. Dress business casual to games. T-Shirts, sweat suits and other such casual wear should not be worn,
5. The #12 uniform, IAABO Jacket, IAABO Shirt, MPSSAA patch for MPSSAA games, black trousers, black socks, black shoes.
6. Be certain that your uniform is properly clean presentable for all games.
7. Wedding bands and medical alerts bracelets may be worn.
8. Pack an extra pair of trousers and jersey in your bag.
9. Carry a spare whistle in your pocket as well as a handkerchief.
10. Have your Rule Book, Case Book and Manual with you. Leave it in the locker room when officiating the contest.