- National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) with the following modifications:
- Females will use a 30-second shot clock
- If scores differential is 30 points or above between teams, the clock will run continuously and only stop for time outs. If the score differential drops below 30, normal operation of the clock resumes.
- Females will not have a ten second count to move the ball from the back court to the front court
- Females will use NCAA coaching box of end line 28’ line with no penalty for technical fouls affecting coaches’ right to stand and coach.
- The home team will wear white or light jerseys and the visiting team will wear dark jerseys.
- Official Scorer does not have to wear a black and white shirt for games.
- Home and Visiting teams need to provide bookkeepers at the official scoring table.
- Players and personnel on the bench may not make noise during free throws or call out fake shot clock or game clock times.
- A shot clock try for a field goal is defined as the ball having left the player’s hand(s) before the sounding of the shot-clock horn and subsequently striking the basket ring or entering the basket.
- The team in control shall attempt a try for a goal within 30 seconds after gaining team control
- The shot clock is used for the entire game, including overtime
- If scores differential is 30 points or above between teams, the clock will run continuously and only stop for time outs. If the score differential drops below 30, normal operation of the clock resumes.
- The shot clock operator should use a timing device with a horn different from the game clock
- The shot clock should start when a player inbounds touches the ball on a throw-in or when a team initially gains possession of the ball after a jump ball, rebound, or loose ball
- The shot clock should be stopped and reset when team control is established after a try for goal strikes the basket ring, a foul, or when a violation occurs.
- The shot clock should stop but continue with no reset under the following circumstances:
- Ball is deflected out of bounds by a defensive player
- A player is injured or loses a contact lens
- A charged time-out has concluded
- During team control, a defensive player causes a held ball and the arrow favors the offensive team. The offensive team upon regaining possession of the ball for the throw-in shall have the unexpired time to attempt a shot.
- The shot clock shall be turned off when the game clock shows less than a shot-clock period
- Kicked Ball: The clock is to be reset at 15 seconds when the ball is intentionally kicked or hit with a fist with 15 or less left in the possession
- The shot clock is not reset if the offense retains possession on a held ball or out of bounds play. The shot clock is also not reset when the ball is intentionally kicked with 16 seconds or more left in the possession. Other stoppages that do not result in a reset clock are for an injured player, a timeout, a double foul, a double technical foul, a simultaneous foul, or an inadvertent whistle with the ball under control.
NO 10-SECOND COUNT: In effect, the girls’ modification to the time limit allows a team to hold the ball in their backcourt for the entire 30 seconds of the shot clock. It should be noted that once the ball has moved across the mid-court line into the front court, front and backcourt restrictions apply.
FREE THROWS: Players can enter on the release.
CLOSELY GUARDED: A closely guarded situation occurs when a player, who is holding the ball for 5 seconds anywhere on the playing court(not dribbling), is continuously guarded by any opponent who is within six feet of the player. The distance shall be measured from the forward foot/feet of the defender to the forward foot/feet of the ball handler.