1. Goaltending can only be committed by the defensive team. T-F.
2. A1 is dribbling the ball in the front court, B3 is guarding A1 within 6 feet and B4 switches to guard A1. The trail official shall continue their closely guarded count. T-F
3. A player may fumble, dribble, fumble. T-F
4. A player may dribble, fumble, dribble. T-F
5. A player is disqualified if they commit “2” intentional fouls. T-F
6. A player is disqualified if they commit “1” intentional foul and “1” technical foul. T-F
1. False- 4-22. Teaching Point- Master Definitions.
2. True- CB-9.10.1-Situation B- Teaching Point-Read “5” Casebook plays every day.
3. True- 4-21. Teaching Point- Master Definitions.
4. False- 9-5- Teaching Point- Master Violations.
5. False- 4-14-1. Teaching Point- Master Definitions.
6. False-4-14-1. Teaching Point- Master Penalties.