1. B3 holds A3 cutting across the lane and simultaneously A4 sets an illegal screen on B4. A1 is dribbling the ball on the perimeter. What type of foul has occurred.
a. Double Personal Foul.
b. Simultaneous Personal Foul.
2. In question #1, how is play going to resume.
a. Team A’s ball at the point of interruption.
b. AP Arrow
3. The home book is the official unless the referee rules otherwise. T-F
4. A1 lift their foot and dribbles, the Trail Official “no calls” the play. T-F
5. Officials shall silently and visibly count seconds to administer the following:
a. 3 seconds.
b. Ten seconds with no shot clock.
c. Ten seconds with shot clock.
d. Ten seconds when the shot clock is turned off.
e. b & d.
1. b- 4-19-10. Teaching Point- Master Penalties & Definitions.
2. a- 4-36-1. Teaching Point- Master Definitions.
3. True- 2-11-11. Teaching Point- “Run the Game”.
4. False- 4-44-3c. Teaching Point- Sequence feet, pivot, release of dribble when a player catches a ball.
5. e- 2-7-9, page-75- Official’s General Duties, Shot Clock. Teaching Point-Be detailed oriented.