1. A1 receives a pass in the lane in their front court. A1 throws a pass to A3 on the perimeter. To avoid a 3 second violations, A1 steps out of bounds. This is a legal play. T-F
2. A1’s try hits the vertical support. Team B shall receive the ball at the free throw line extended. T-F
3. A1 and A2 set a “hammer” screen near the end line. A3 runs out of bounds and catches a pass from A1 who ended their dribble on the perimeter. The Lead Official rules an out of bounds violation. T-F
4. In question #3, the ruling official will extend fist that is shown in signal chart 21. T-F
5. A1 and A2 set a “hammer” screen near the end line. A3 intentionally goes out of bounds. A4 continues to dribble on the perimeter, B3 recovers defensively and A4 throws a pass to A3. The Lead Official rules an out of bounds violation on A3. T-F
1. False- 9-3-3. Teaching Point- Read 5 Case Book plays every day.
2. False- 7-4-1, 7-5-2. Teaching Point- Be detailed oriented.
3. True-9-3-3. Teaching Point- Have Court Awareness.
4. True- Signal Chart- Page-81- Rule Book. Teaching Point- Practice your signals.
5. False- CB-9.3.3.Situation B- Read 5 Case Book plays every day.