1. The Head Coach shall replace or remove a disqualified/injured player, or player directed to leave the game, within _____ seconds when a substitute is available.
2. If the Head Coach does not replace a disqualified player within 15 seconds. The Head Coach is charged with an indirect technical foul. T-F
3. Airborne shooter A1 fouls B1. The ball lodges between the ring and the backboard. The game shall be resumed with the AP Arrow. T-F
4. A5’s try is in flight and clears the net. While the ball is dead, A4 intentionally throws B4 to the floor. The foul on A4 should be ruled as :
A. An intentional personal foul.
B. An intentional technical foul.
5. A warning for delay and a warning for Coach Team Conduct are two different warnings. T-F
1. 15 seconds- 10-6-2. Teaching Point- Be able to “run” a game. Know Rule Differences.
2. False- 10-6-2, CB-10.6.2. Situation B. Teaching Point- Know your penalties.
3. False- 6-4-d. Teaching Point- Master Exceptions. Be ready for the unexpected.
4. B- 4-19-5-c. Teaching Point- Master Definitions & Penalties.
5. True- 4-47 & 4-48. Teaching Point- Master Definitions.