2. A1 is fouled, Team A is awarded the ball out of bounds. Team A should have been in the bonus. Thrower-In A1 throws the ball to A3 who scores on a 3 point shot. As the ball passes through the net, the officials realize that Team A should have been in the bonus. Handle the Situation.?
3. The following types of rings are legal:
A. Fixed.
B. Positive-lock breakaway.
C. Flex breakaway.
D. All of the Above.
4. An “X” 12 inches long and 2 inches wide shall be placed on the floor out of bounds directly in front of the official scorer to help substitutes with the proper location. T-F
5. A1 is fouled by B1 is fouled but erroneously is not awarded two free throws even though the bonus is in effect. Team A is given a throw-in, and Thrower-in A1 inbounds the ball to A2 and a held ball occurs. The AP Arrow is pointing towards Team A. Handle the Situation?
6. In question #5, if the AP Arrow was pointing to Team B, how would the situation be handled?
1. False- 2-1-2. Teaching Point- Know Rule Differences.
2. The basket counts, A1 will go to the free throw line for 2 shots with no players lined up. The game will continue with Team B’s ball on the end line with all privileges.CB-2.10.1. Situation B. Teaching Point- Read 5 Case Book plays every day.
3. D-1-11-2. Teaching Point-Don’t neglect Rule 1.
4. True- 1-17. Teaching Point- Don’t neglect Rule 1.
5. A1 will shoot the bonus with all players lined up. Team A did not lose control. The AP Arrow will remain with Team A. CB- 2.10.1 Situation C. Teaching Point- Have Court Awareness.
6. A1 would shoot the bonus with no players lined up and Team B would receive the ball at the AP throw-in spot. CB-2.10.1 Situation C.