1. A1 is driving to the basket and B3 “flops” on the play. The ruling official gives the flopping signal and lets the game continue. A1 misses the try and B4 secures the rebound. Team B has been previously warned for faking being fouled. The ruling official stops plays and rules a team technical foul on Team B. T-F
2. A3 is ruled for traveling. A3 does not immediately pass the ball to the nearer official. Team A has had a previous warning. A3 will be ruled for a player technical foul. T-F
3. A1 is dribbling near the sideline. The Head Coach of Team A pushes A1 so they remain inbounds. The trail official rules an out of bounds violation on A1. T-F
4. A1 is dribbling on the perimeter and “head bobs” B1. Team A has been warned for faking being fouled. The Trail Official rules a team technical foul on Team A. T-F
5. A1’s try is in the basket but has not cleared the bottom of the net when A2 anticipating the try being missed, jumps and makes contact with the net. The touching of the net has no effect on the ball. The Center Official “no calls” the play. T-F
1. True- 4-49,10-2-1-g, 10-4-6f. Teaching Point- Be a discerner and not a reactor.
2. False- 4-47-5, 10-2-1-g, 10-4-5b. Teaching Point- Master Penalties.
3. True- 7-1-1. Teaching Point- Be ready for the unexpected.
4. True- 4-49,10-2-1g, 10-4-6f. Teaching Point- Master New Rules.
5. True-4-6-1-Exception. Teaching Point- Know Rule Differences & Similarities.
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