1. A1 attempts their final free throw that misses the entire ring. The ball shall be taken out of bounds at the:
a. End line.
b. Free Throw Line Extended.
2. A1 is coming up the floor and yells profanities at the crowd. This should be ignored by the game officials. T-F
3. A1 has the ball in the front court and throws the ball to A3 who leaps from the backcourt and catches the ball in flight. This is a legal play. T-F
4. A1 has a throw-in on the end line and bounces a pass that touches the end line. This is a legal play. T-F
5. It is a correctable error if you line up the teams incorrectly to start the game. T-F
1. a- 9-1-Penalty-1-a. Teaching Point- Master Penalties
2. False- 10-4-6b. Teaching Point- Be ready for the unexpected.
3. False- 4-35-1-b &3. Teaching Point- Be observant in the Center Position on press situations.
4. False- 9-2-2. Teaching Point- Be ready for the unexpected.
5. False- 2-10-1-a-e. Teaching Point- Be mentally focused before you start the game.