1. A1 is driving to the basket and is fouled by B1 on an unsuccessful lay-up. The scorer notifies the officials that A1 was disqualified and forgot to notify the officials. A1’s substitute will attempt the free throws. T-F
2. A1 is driving to the basket and B3 intentionally wraps A1. Any player on Team A may shoot the free throws. T-F
3. A1 is attempting a free throw, B5 who is behind the FTLE and three point line enters the free throw lane. The ball shall become dead immediately. T-F
4. A1 drives down the lane and “runs over” B3 who is in legal guarding position underneath the basket. B3 has committed a blocking foul. T-F
5. A1 secures control of the ball with one knee in contact with the floor. A1 stands up while holding the ball. This is a legal play. T-F
1. True- 8-2. Teaching Point- Be ready for the unexpected.
2. False- 8-2. Teaching Point- Review Penalties.
3. False- 9-1-Penalty-a & b. Teaching Point- Review Penalties.
4. False- CB-10.7.1 Situation C. Teaching Point- Read 5 Casebook plays every day.
5. False- CB-4.44.5. Situation C. Teaching Point- Be ready for the unexpected.